Re: Tesla's Wireless Power Transmission ==> was Re: Non-techQuestion
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: Tesla's Wireless Power Transmission ==> was Re: Non-techQuestion
From: "Dan Kunkel" <kunk77@juno.com> (by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>)
Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 16:58:30 -0600
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
Delivered-To: fixup-tesla@pupman.com@fixme
I believe the reason Tesla used such a large topload is a two fold
First...it lowered the resonant frequency of the coil down to the earth's
resonant frequency.
Second...he did not tune his "transmitting" coils for spark. He would put
a large topload capacitance on his coils so that no spark would be able
to break out (re-tuning the primary of course to the new freq). What this
did was force massive amounts of current into the ground. In fact, about
90% of the coils energy was pumped into the ground while only 10% was
radiated out into the atmosphere via the topload. When you tune for
spark, it is the opposite, 90% of the energy is used for the spark. These
figures are round, and are different for every coil.
What I want to know is, did he plan to use these resonant ground currents
in the earth AND excite the ionisphere (or the Schuman cavity as wer call
it today)?
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