Re: sonotube coil
In <4.1.20000518074621.009fcbe0@pop.dnvr.uswest.net>, on 05/18/00
at 07:46 AM, Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> said:
>Original Poster: FutureT@aol.com
>Hi Alan,
>These are the longest sparks I heard of anyone achieving from two of
>those H & R photocopier transformers that you're using. I've seen the
>coil on your videotape and it is spectacular. It shows that sync
>operation at 120 bps with a large bang size is much more important
>for long sparks than worrying about the form material, type of
>primary, etc. The cardboard secondary works fine. Very nice work !!
>John Freau
Thanks for the comments, John. I like the thinwall sonotube form, it's
lightweight and does seems to work fine. And a whole lot cheaper than
a piece of pvc would have been.
ICQ #21057220