
Re: Tesla's Wireless Power Transmission ==> was Re: Non-techQuestion

On 18 May 00, at 7:50, Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Metlicka Marc" <mystuffs@orwell.net> 
> in all actuality, teslas principal of wireless transmision of energy
> through a medium. consisted of producing high powered scaler waves

Can you define "scaler waves" please?

> transmited into the earth itself. then thease scaler waves would be
> magnified a million fold by the resonant scalers of the earths core.

And explain the magnification mechanism? 

I understand an effort is under way to make Tesla's scheme become 
a reality. When are results to be expected? I would be only too 
happy to  be a recipient of test transmissions using a Tesla Coil or 
some other device.
