
Last minute check before spendin' $$$

    Hi all!  Please lemme know what you see wrong with these
figures, so I can correct the errors of my ways before I'm

A 4" PCV secondary, wound with 26gauge wire (already ordered & on
it's way)
   wound to ~18".  Should be around 900-1200 turns.

Flat primary, 1/4" tubing.  No surprise here.  Wound as close as I
can get it.

6 (!) 12kv NST's @30mA each.  ~70-90uf of PFC caps on it.

Toroids...whatever is on hand that can add capacitance..I'm wingin'
it here.

Tank Cap...a 17kv MMC @ 5nf per string, 7 strings avail.
   Plus whatever I can chunk together from the bag of 100 caps I'm
     from Bill Noble.  Thanks Bill!!

RQ static gap, 8 sections of 2" copper pipe (needs cleaned).

    Control board...haven't found a variac, so we're doin the "full
bore from the get go" here.  a set of contactors for a 3 ton AC
unit (400v@25a, so 110v@someungodlyamperage)...24v1A supply to
power the contactors (it's deadman-activated, woohoo!) a 30a
breaker (should I use fuses instead?)

Construction starts tomorrow evening on the base, and proceeds from
there.  Hoping to have it ready for the FL. Teslathon on the 3rd.
:)  Lemme know what I messed up on, and thanks!