Re: Wives and Tesla coils
I can't think of any simple ways to make it quiet; not yet, at least.
Perhaps you could use a long incandescent light bulb with a partial vacuum
inside (most have them). Hook the opposite ends of the bulb up to the
primary circuit. It should be quiet, but you might need to use several of
them to keep them from being damaged gap, and it wont be very adjustable. Of
course, you can order a free ~1000 page catalog from caralina.com if you're
affiliated with a school or docter's office (ask your doctor if it's alright
for you to have it sent to his office) and for $30 you can get the supplies
need to make a 95% vacuum. Put your spark gap inside of this... Should work
nice. Just remember thay the gap must be longer inside of vacuums and it
can't be left going for a long time, or the vacuum chamber will burst.
Nick Moor