
Re: Resonator Measurements For Robert Jones (in particular).

Earlier today I wrote:

On 16 May 00, at 17:00, Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Malcolm Watts" <malcolm.watts@wnp.ac.nz> 
> Sent to the list for the benefit of all.
> I measured three resonators last night in less than ideal 
> circumstances. I am confident that the measurements are close 

I forgot to include the capacitance calculations sorry.  Just for 
interest's sake, I also calculated the surface area of the windings. I 
think there should be some semblance of correspondence. I also 
reckon that if Medhurst is invariant wrt close/spaced winding, 
C(intrinsic) should be as well if it is to give consistent answers 
although none of these resonators is space wound.

> (1)  Hs = 21.75", Ds = 4.75", N approx 870t, L(Wheeler) = 17.87mH
> 1/4 wave = 394.5kHz    ( ? - sorry )
> 1/2 wave = 825kHz       (800kHz)

C (from vp equation for 1/4 wave) = 22.5pF 
A = 325 in^2 

> (2) Hs = 22.75", Ds = 5.95", N approx 910t, L(Wheeler) = 29.3mH
> 1/4 wave = 276.5kHz    (269.0kHz)
> 1/2 wave = 591.6kHz    (575.7kHz)

C (calc) = 27.9pF
A = 425 in^2

> (3) Hs = 16.2", Ds = 9.05", N approx 650t, L(Wheeler) = 42.25mH
> 1/4 wave = 219.0kHz    (212.7kHz)
> 1/2 wave = 476.0kHz    (458.6kHz)

C (calc) = 30.8pF
A = 461 in^2 

There does appear to be a first order scaling involved which seems 
rather satisfying.
