
Re: Solid versus stranded Wire

Hi Dave,

On 16 May 00, at 21:42, Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: MrDirect@aol.com 
> Hello
> Question concerning voltage drop
> If a lighting load of 25 amps (either 12 or 24 VAC, 60 Hz) was fed 50 feet 
> (100 feet total) with a 10 AWG wire, would there be more or less voltage
> using stranded wire or solid wire?

If the copper is the same grade and the cross-sectional area of the 
copper is the same there shouldn't be any difference. Things 
change noticeably at TC type frequencies though. Solid is a better 

> Does anyone know what the resistance (ohms/foot) is for solid and stranded 
> wire in the following sizes: 14 AWG, 12 AWG, 10 AWG, and 8 AWG
> Appreciate the assistance
> Regards
> Dave