Florida Mini-Teslathon
Florida Coilers (and anyone else who would like to come),
I am putting together a "mini-teslathon" on June 3rd for
the Florida Coilers. Everyone is invited, and please bring any
coils you would like to show off, or parts, etc. you may want
to sell or trade. We will have both 240v, 30A and 120v, 15A
available to demonstrate your coils (big or small, working or
not), and/or other apparatus. We will provide food (hamburgers
and hotdogs) and beverages (sodas, etc.). Please RSVP either
by e-mail or otherwise (please include your power requirements)
David L. McKinnon
D&M's High Voltage
P.O. Box 24002
Tampa, FL 33623
(813) 784-8165
E-mail: DMsHV.DavMcKin@gte.net
Webpage: http://home.netcom.com/~davmckin/DMsIndex.htm