RE: Protecting a potential transformer
Those 15/60's are dead - they're just "on strike" because they really want
to be de-potted and resurrected as big, strong, 15/150's. Can't really say
I blame them...
All kidding aside, time to start chipping away at tar and finding out what
went wrong. Other than burning the secondary wire deep inside the secondary
cores, it's hard to destroy these things. Don't worry about breaking
anything because you can replace the wire on both ends of the secondary
without much trouble, just try to keep your screwdriver (or other chipping
tool) out of the secondaries are tear into it.
Oh yeah, as far as PT's go, all they really need is a safety gap. It's hard
to kill them as long as your RF ground is good and you don't simply burn
them up from too much power throughput.
Good Luck,
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 10:36 AM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: RE: Protecting a potential transformer
Original Poster: "Ted Rosenberg" <Ted.Rosenberg@radioshack.com>
A bit of post mortem for us all...please.
When expensive 15/60's go, I want to know what NOT to do.
Did you use a safety gap? Did you use a Terry type MOV-R-C network (see his
The details could benefit us all. Thanks.
Ted R
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List [<mailto:tesla@pupman.com>mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2000 1:27 PM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Protecting a potential transformer
Original Poster: "Jay Stone" <jaykstone@home.com>
Hello fellow coilers!!!
Having recently blown up my second 15/60 neon on my 6" coil, I have decided
it's time for something different. I have recently acquired a transformer
which I am told is rated at 20 KV, 2 KVA. I am trying to get more info
this xfmr such as BIL rating etc which I don't currently have. I think it
some sort of potential transformer. It has multiple taps on the 120VAC side
for +/-5% and 10%, and a large, round epoxy sealed winding. One side of
the HV
winding is tied to gnd and the other to a single terminal on the top. Does
anyone know what this is?
Since one side of the HV winding is tied to gnd, I believe I will have to
an Oudin coil configuration w/ one side of primary tank coil at gnd. I
to use an unmodified 20A variac in series with the 120VAC side of the
transformer for ballast at least to start with. I know it will probably
saturate and tend to overheat but I hope this will be ok for short runs.
this work?
The other question I have is about protecting the HV side of the
Should I use a safety gap and a choke or some sort of RC filter like one
use on a NST? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks ,