Re: Secondary winding
Last year I watched a large coil throwing 12+ foot arcs that was made from
PVC insulated 1.5 mm^2 mains wiring! However, the wire was solid copper -
not stranded. I will try to get a picture and details of this coil on the
web as that coil builder is not a list subscriber.
The major downside to this approach is that the secondary has to be
physically very long to accomodate the insulation. In the case of this coil
the secondary would have been approximately 2.5 metres tall. The other
downside is weight - the entire secondary weight was around 40kG.
At 08:07 PM 5/13/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Original Poster: "Brad DiGiovine" <Guido28@mediaone.net>
>I just have a quick question about a different type of wire to use
>instead of magnet wire for winding secondary's. Does anyone know any
>advantages/disadvantages to using very thin insulated stranded wire
>instead of solid magnet wire. or is there any difference?