
UK Teslathon

Greetings all,

This is the final reminder about the  2000 UK Teslathon here in 
Corby, Northamptonshire, on Saturday 27th May, 2000. 

Please let me know if you are intending to come and if you
are bringing equipment. You are also welcome to bring
stuff to sell (I'm looking for a 15A variac and a small NST).

Once again we will have coils, and sparks. Last year we had at least
8 coils and lots of long arcs. This year quite a few people have been
buying pole pigs.... 

Alas we will not have the New Music Ensemble of Zagreb performing
the opera  "Nikola Tesla" It would have been a major effort to raise
the funds to support this.

the programme is:


9am onwards hall open for those setting up coils ONLY.
10.30am arrivals tea/coffee registration.
11am onwards demonstrations.
12.30am Lunch - I'm not putting on a lunch this year but there will be
tea and coffee, bring your own sandwiches or there is a chip shop, grocers,
and a chineese take away across the street.
1.30pm More demo's
2.30pm The Tesla Oscars will be awarded for:
The longest arc
The smallest coil
Best entry from a new coiler
The best built coil
The most inefficent design
The worst dressed coiler :)

Suggestions for other categories are welcome.

3pm or whenever, finish.

We'll also have tables for bring and buy

please don't bring any iffy equipment 
If you are bringing a coil try to bring a CO2 or dry powder extinguishers
Becuse we will have quite a number of working coils each with
their own HV supply, we have to discourage people from bringing
children. We cannot admit children  - there won't be safety barriers!
Younger teenagers who are active in coiling are welcome but you must have
a parent with you as I cannot take responsibility for your safety.

Only one coil may be active at a time - you can only power up
with my permission - even for tuning.

We are limited by 13A wall plugs and poor earths - though
we got good results last year with the central heating pipes.

If you are bringing a coil let me know.
If you are interested in coming let me know.

Cost admission L3,  tea/coffee at 25p - (after costs the money will go
to the church for the use of the hall. 
photo's of last years event plus location maps
on my web site:


contact me direct if its just to say that you are coming,
only points of general interest should be raised on the  telsa list.

Alan Sharp ( alansharp@compuserve.com )