Re: New solid state pictures
Hi Duane,
Thankyou for your comments,
It was a picture of your SSTC project in an Electronics Magazine which
actually motivated me to try out this work in the first place !
I checked between pri and sec with the lights off and could not see any
visible corona, but I did find that the pri winding also gets
slightly warm. The air space between could be heating them both, or
maybe the PVC form of the primary is too lossy ???
I originally used very fine wire to keep the overall system very compact
and portable, but I think it was just too thin. Doubling the wire
thickness (and coil height) has reduced heating noticeably.
I normally have loads of Poly sheeting between the pri and sec to prevent
flashover, and this does not get noticeably warm. Without a breakout
point on the toroid, a flashover is guaranteed !
I did some work with a Magnifier design, using a ferrite transformer base
feeding the resonator, and did get considerable heating in the
transformer windings. I put this down to dielectric heating, since the
core remained fairly cool and the wire was quite thick.
Does skin effect apply here, wouldn't that tend to give rise to
exaggerated heating in the coils too ???
Are you still doing Solid State work now ? You and Gary Johnson should
get together !
> Original Poster: gbyrd@aros.net
> I would like to make a comment on something you reported in your work. You
> said the base of the secondary got very hot, probably by the current in the
> fine wire, and my first thought was that it may be caused by dialectric
> heating. The air space between the tightly coupled primary and secondary
> probably has a good amount of brush discharges. Look at this space in a
> darkened room. It's possible that a large amount of heat could be generated
> by dialectric losses even if no brush discharges are taking place, because
> of the strong field between primary and secondary. You are loosing a good
> amount of energy here, and if corrected would improve the efficiency. It is
> very easy to see where losses are in a system, especially when you pump a
> few hundered watts into a resonator without producing sparks. The losses
> will show up quite quickly in the form of heat. I have not noticed
> dialectric losses much in a damped wave system producing sparks, but I have
> when pumping a kilowatt CW into a resonator with no spark breaking out!
> Again, very nice work, and I am glad you shared it with the rest of us.
> Duane Bylund
> >I have added some pictures, text and schematics of the solid state coil
> >to my web page here:
> >
> >http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/r.e.burnett/sstate.html