Re: New solid state pictures
Hi Richie,
I really enjoyed looking at your web page on solid state Tesla coils. It
looks like you have had a lot of fun experimenting. Very nice work!
I would like to make a comment on something you reported in your work. You
said the base of the secondary got very hot, probably by the current in the
fine wire, and my first thought was that it may be caused by dialectric
heating. The air space between the tightly coupled primary and secondary
probably has a good amount of brush discharges. Look at this space in a
darkened room. It's possible that a large amount of heat could be generated
by dialectric losses even if no brush discharges are taking place, because
of the strong field between primary and secondary. You are loosing a good
amount of energy here, and if corrected would improve the efficiency. It is
very easy to see where losses are in a system, especially when you pump a
few hundered watts into a resonator without producing sparks. The losses
will show up quite quickly in the form of heat. I have not noticed
dialectric losses much in a damped wave system producing sparks, but I have
when pumping a kilowatt CW into a resonator with no spark breaking out!
Again, very nice work, and I am glad you shared it with the rest of us.
Duane Bylund
At 04:20 PM 5/9/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Original Poster: "R.E.Burnett" <R.E.Burnett@newcastle.ac.uk>
>Hi guys,
>The subject of feeding a TC primary with RF from a switching power
>supply seems to frequently appear on this list. Last month an oppotunity
>presented itself for me to try this out. (Why let Alan Sharp and Terry
>have all the fun ;-)
>I have added some pictures, text and schematics of the solid state coil
>to my web page here:
>It takes a while to load, but I wanted to include pictures of the
>different types of sparks. Comments and suggestion are welcomed.
>There is also a list of items for sale at the UK Corby Teslathon here:
> Cheers,
> -Richie,