HI Dan,
> Original Poster: "Dan Kunkel" <kunk77@juno.com>
> Malcolm,
> Although I have no personal experience in operating a Magnifier Coil as
> of yet (it is a future project though), I have been led to believe that
> they are many times more effeicent than a standard 1/4 wave coil for
> several reasons...
> 1) Extremely tight coupling between Lp and Ls
Doesn't count - Ksys is determined by the proportion of *total*
inductance on the secondary side falling within the influence of the
primary. "Total" means secondary coil+extra coil. They are really
two parts of a single structure. Bear in mind that the pri-sec driver is
not a voltage source so you cannot treat the resonator as a separate
base-fed entity.
2) Extremely low quench times (Tesla used a maggy with about 50,000 bps
> as I understand), this is to keep as much energy in the secondary as
> possible by reducing each bang size. For better quench you can wire a
> multiple gap in series with the rotary.
Tesla never switched his coil on for prolonged runs. In his words
"half second closures of the switch". I understand what you are
sying. Nevertheless, you will find that in practice the only thing that
allows the gap to quench properly is strong streamer emission from
the secondary/resonator system. If you don't believe me, try
interrupting the current in a primary with no secondary breakout.
3) Tuning the secondary coil to the 1/8 wave (less voltage, but a lot
> more current), hence more overall power to drive the tertiary)
The pri-sec driver is not a voltage source.
4) Tertiary is not bogged down at all by the flux from the Lp and Ls
Neither is the resonator in a two coil system.
5)Tertiary is responcible for all the VSWR, not the secondary
If you mean voltage step-up, that is clearly not true. There is a step
up commensurate with the SQRT(Ls/Lp) ratio in the driver.
Why would Tesla even bother building and operating these coils if he
> didn't think that there was some advantage? These after all were the
> coils he was going to use to send wireless electricity to power the
> world.
Which he never did. I'm afraid that I am forced to concur with the
results I am seeing from modern instrumentation not to mention
some fairly searching experiments.. Do you think Tesla was correct
when he tried to relate all his tuning to the length of wire in his coils?
As far as the 22 mega volt RQ coil, those are his claims, I am just
> repeating. Another advantage to the magnifier coil is that it is able to
> process a much higher voltage without frying to a crisp.
As I mentioned
> before I have no actual hands on experience yet, so the advantages may
> not be quite as bold...but there is only one way to find out! :-) I am
> curious though if you have built one of these coils?
Of course. A number actually. It is very very easy to put a magnifier
together. Predictably too. As regards voltage, consider that no coil
can withstand more than a voltage allowed by its length. It is a simple
surface tracking issue. You can reach the limiting voltage for a
given resonator just as easily in a two coil as you can in a magnifier.
Bear in mind that in a magnifier, voltage step up is shared between
two coils so obviously a given resonator will have extra voltage added
to it by its "secondary" portion of winding in a magnifier if the
amount of primary energy is increased beyond what it was run at in
a two coil system.