Re: New page on the High Voltage ring/TEC web pages
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: New page on the High Voltage ring/TEC web pages
From: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 20:11:00 -0600
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
Delivered-To: fixup-tesla@pupman.com@fixme
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Hi Harvey,
I think you and I would disagree on a number of things but I love your
scope pictures and "real" data!!
"I" think that many of the scope pictures suffer from poor scope
triggering. The pictures seem to have hundreds of scope traces
overlapping. I would try to use "normal" triggering and such to lock the
trace triggering better. I think you need to really see just one trace in
time as opposed to many overlapping traces that just seem to scramble
what's really happening. Storage scopes are perfect for this but I think
your analog scope will do fine with a bit more adjustment too. I certainly
don't claim to get all this MWO stuff but I do think there is a real
problem here in interpreting what the scope is doing in this case.
It is great that you put up so much info on this!!
One thing I will agree with is that you certainly do look very much like
Dr. Tesla!!
At 07:32 PM 05/02/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Just got the Compaq Presario back from the shop
>tommorrow; more pages to come.
>(Tesla Electric Co)
>updated with l mwo scope form of two inductors
>delivering two different freq from the same magnetic
>Snapshots in Time of a MWO Process Pg 1
>shows attempts at rectification of scalar signal
>Uncohered Scope forms (AC Coupling) Pg 2
>updated with scope form showing multi traces in
>attempt to create former MWO oscillations
>contains water discharge info from messageboard
>leading up to needle glow discharge exp.
>Hillbilly Scope Pictures/showing anomalous effects Pg
>updated with vhs player/digital interface scope form
>of estimated 21
>high freq spikes/60 hz cycle, process driven at wall
>voltage input. This is how the mwo process is viewed
>on that time frame. An est. 3ms is left on its sweep
>on this pause frame shot. The coil system pictures are
>poor /these will be replaced
>when digital interface is back online,
>Oscillations above and below potential Pg
>I am quite sure these were taken with the inductor in
>the correct
>orientation to recieve magnetic flux change through
>It shows the interference effects of the longitudinal
>on the conventional one. When the inductor is turned
>at 90 degrees
>to the conventional angle the signals move toward the
>zero potential
>axis to intersect producing a scalar form..The 4 shots
>show what is
>seen at different sweep rates with the inductor in the
>conventional orientation.
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