
Re: Better Gap Worth Effort

In a message dated 5/3/00 12:04:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com 

> Original Poster: "Luc" <ludev@videotron.ca> 
>  Hi all
>  If I understand the coupling have an influence on how fast the energy is
>  transfer
>  to the secondary but if you increase the coupling you have racing spark
>  :Maybe it could be an improvement to increase the insulating quality of 
the coating of the
>  coil without increasing to much the self capacitance ( high insulating 
> factor
>  ,low dielectric coating)


That might help a little although the coils can be pretty to hard
to insulate well.  It may help to make the coil physically larger too,
but I'm not sure about that.

> .Could this approach be helpful : Increasing 
> transfer
>  ,decreasing quenching time , less lose in gap?

Decreasing the quenching time is always good, but hard to accomplish.
Probably the best way to improve the quench is to have very good
spark loading which quickly drains out the energy.  If the coupling is
tighter,  then a faster quench is needed, which is hard to accomplish past
a certain point.  Lower gap losses are good too,  this can be 
accomplished by using a high voltage power supply, by using a
high primary surge impedance, and by using a minimum number of
series gaps.  I like to use a great number of turns in my secondary,
(1500 turns or more).  This forces me to use a lot of primary turns,
and keeps the gap losses low, by keeping the surge impedance
high.  By using this technique, I get 10% longer sparks than if I use
fewer secondary turns.  The impedance of the secondary may be
having an effect upon the streamers too.

John Freau
>  Luc Benard(Montreal)