13" toroids (unfinished) available now
Hello coilers,
I'm making up a new batch of professional quality spun aluminum
4" by 13" toroids. These will sell for $126 postpaid after they are
sanded to a beautiful finish, and the halves are glued, etc. The seam
is flat, so it does not interfere with the sparks.
As a special offer, I'm making these toroids available in an
unfinished, unsanded, unglued condition for $98 postpaid. They can
either be sanded or used as they are. The surface is generally
smooth, but has some blemishes, etc from the spinning process.
These blemishes will all disappear when the toroid is sanded. The
toroid should be mounted on a spinning spindle and spun at about
500 rpm for the sanding process. This may be a one-time offer.
Contact me at off list at: FutureT@aol.com if you are interested
in an unfinished toroid.
I'll announce again when the finished toroids are available.
Finished toroids can be seen at:
John Freau