Re: Resonant Frequency
Some believe that the medium Tesla was relying on for power transmission
was the earth-ionosphere cavity. The ionosphere is a boundary layer
between conducting and nonconducting media with the less compressed air
a good conductor(Tesla proved this to the patent office) and the more
compressed air an insulator. The earth is a good conductor so the
earth's surface is a boundary between a conductor and an insulator. The
so-called Schumann resonant frequencies can be found in Jackson's
"Classical Electrodynamics" second or third edition. My recollection is
that there are several ranging from about 16 to about 43. Wallace
Edward Brand
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
> At 02:23 PM 5/29/99 -0700, "Yuri Markov" <wmondale@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >I was reading an article on the work of Nikola Tesla, which described an
> >experiment in which he had excited the ground into motion by causing it to
> >oscillate at the Earth's resonant frequency. Does anyone know what the
> >resonant frequency of the Earth is? Does anyone know of a reference by which
> >I could find out? I'd appreciate anyone's help.
> >
> >-Yuri Markov
> >
> Hi Yuri,
> We have been discussing this lately under the topic of "wireless
> transmission". All these recent posts can be found in this list's website
> and archives at "www.pupman.com". In this case the MAY 1999 archives.
> There is also a keyword search there to search back through about six years
> of Tesla lists posts by keyword.
> There is also a Tesla web ring search at:
> http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=TeslaRing&list
> And a search engine at:
> http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/GrandSearch/tesla.html
> Also here are some good links for ELF radio communication which may be of
> interest on this too.
> http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects/haarp/elf.html
> http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects/haarp/elfhrp.html
> http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects/haarp/elfsafe.html
> I think the frequency is about 7 Hz. However, I don't know too much about
> this...
> Cheers,
> Terry