Re: Musings on 3 phase...
M Fabs,
There is a better way of utilizing 3-phase power in a disruptive TC supply and
it is to go with a 3 phase rectifier and run the coil on DC. In this scenario
you can get the biggest repeating bang size. Your idea was bandied about in
private email several years ago between myself and Malcolm Watts and I think
our conclusion was that while an interesting thought exercise, it wasn't
looking overly successful or practical. In your scenario the largest the bang
from a single capacitor discharge can be is through the processing of only
square root of 3 of the total average input power because the other two phases
from the mains are not available to charge the tank capacitors of your machine
at any given time.
I suspect the comparison is quite like running happily along placing baseball
cards in your spokes, and then running over a brick!
Robert W. Stephens
AREA31 Research Facility
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <mailto:tesla@pupman.com>Tesla List
> To: <mailto:tesla@pupman.com>tesla@pupman.com
> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 23:30
> Subject: Musings on 3 phase...
> Original Poster: "M Fabs"
> <<mailto:the_machin_shin@hotmail.com>the_machin_shin@hotmail.com>
> Could a 3 phase AC coil be arranged in the following manner?
> L1 L2 L3
> | | |
> | | |
> +---+----+----+
> | | | |
> | | | | Caps
> | +----)----)---- HV1 -------)|---+
> | | | | |
> | | +----)---- HV2 -------)|---+----+
> | | | | | L
> | | | +---- HV3 -------)|---+ L
> | | | | L
> | = = = < Spark gaps. L < Primary coil
> | | | | L
> | | | | L
> | | | | L
> | | | | |
> +---+----+----+--------------------------+
> Any thoughts about this? Could one get triple the number of bangs per second
> out of this, or are there interactions that would make this fail? Spark
> gaps would have to be well shielded against one another I suppose. Three
> separate sync gaps maybe, one on each phase? Thoroughly matched caps would
> be necessary (just one tuning point...)
> I'm not actually going to try this (lack of resources + experience) but I
> think it would be an interesting thought experiment.
> <mailto:the_machin_shin@hotmail.com>the_machin_shin@hotmail.com
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