
Re: Jefferson Electronics Transformer - Is it of use in TC?

>Original Poster: "William Parn" <parn@fgm.com>
>Greetings All,
>A good friend of mine just dropped off a transformer made
>by Jefferson Electric Model D-12B-3553.  Anybody know anything
>about this thing?
>It has a schematic that states the primary is 90V 60hz, and
>the secondary is 6400 Volts.
>It is about a 7" cube.
>Is this like a mini pole pig of some sorts?
>He also said he did not think it was current limited, I really
>would like to know more about it.
>Many Thanks,
>Bill Parn
>PS: Sorry for the repost, changed the subject line to maybe
>attract a answer.
Hi Bill,

Depending on the thickness of the outer layer of the isolation (if there is
some) you have probably a nice 1300-1800 kVA transformer. Did you already
put power (110V) on it?

The MotMan.