
Re: Strike Rail

In a message dated 3/30/00 7:30:52 AM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

>  I was thinking that a high powered system may be better off with a strike 
> rail.
>  Would either of you say a high powered (14.4kv/694mA pole pig driver) 
> to
>  the primary have no ill effects on the cap? It just seems a 1.6MVp-p 
> may
>  find it's way across the gap to the cap and possibly back to the 
>  Does the low impedance of the primary actually stop this from occurring
>  regardless of power levels? 
>  Bart 


Yes, I don't think it would matter how high the power level is.  A safety
gap should be used too, to shunt the voltage to ground.

John Freau