Hi Coilers:
I'm having to move my 3rd. generation coil from my basement workshop
out to my garage/workshop, a separate building with its own service.
I simply outgrew the room and ran out of safe distances between my
coil and things I don't want it to arc to.
I have "central metering" here, with a 200 amp service to the house
and a separate 125 amp service to the garage/workshop. Each service
has its own grounding system consisting of two ten foot ground rods
spaced 10 feet apart and tied to the service panel with number
three bare copper wire.
Would I be asking for trouble if I tied into this ground system and
used it for my coil? I'd likely run a separate 2/0 welding cable
from the coil to the first ground rod. The soil here is a mixture
of BIG rocks and clay, so I don't want to install more ground rods
unless it absolutely neccessary.
73, Weazle, VE3EAR/VE3WZL
Listening: 147.030+ and 442.075+
E-mail: weazle@hurontel.on.ca
or ve3ear@rac.ca
Web site: www.hurontel.on.ca/~weazle