
Musings on 3 phase...

Could a 3 phase AC coil be arranged in the following manner?

         L1   L2   L3
         |    |    |
         |    |    |
        TTTTTTTTTTTTT  3Phase
        TTTTTTTTTTTTT  HV Tranny
     |   |    |    |
     |   |    |    |               Caps
     |   +----)----)---- HV1 -------)|---+
     |   |    |    |                     |
     |   |    +----)---- HV2 -------)|---+----+
     |   |    |    |                     |    L
     |   |    |    +---- HV3 -------)|---+    L
     |   |    |    |                          L
     |   =    =    = < Spark gaps.            L   < Primary coil
     |   |    |    |                          L
     |   |    |    |                          L
     |   |    |    |                          L
     |   |    |    |                          |

Any thoughts about this? Could one get triple the number of bangs per second 
out of this, or are there interactions that would make this fail?  Spark 
gaps would have to be well shielded against one another I suppose. Three 
separate sync gaps maybe, one on each phase? Thoroughly matched caps would 
be necessary (just one tuning point...)

I'm not actually going to try this (lack of resources + experience) but I 
think it would be an interesting thought experiment.
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