"dualizing" Variacs
Hi all...
heres the situation ... 240 volts input to 2 @ 240V 28A variacs
... I wired them in this manner.. one leg to one variac ( post #2
variac #1) , the other leg to the other variac ( post #2 variac #2) ,
neutral to both variacs ( post 1 of both), V out = ( from wiper #3 post
#1 variac ) = 120V ( from wiper #3 post #2 variac) =120.2v
measured across both wipers for a reading of 240.2V ( at the 120 V dial
ok so far so good ...
max voltage difference between the 2 legs ( #3 lug ) is an amazingly low
.56 volts at max output ( 140 V each variac ) well sorta Variac #1 =
140.44 variac #2 = 140 for a total of 280.4 V
heres the question... does this create a "variac" that is capable of
280V out @ 56 amps capacity ? ( since each leg variac wise can handle 28
and since the voltages are so close do i still need a paralleling choke?
i gotta quit thinking... it creates more questions than the original
one i had
Scot D