
Re: Secondary wire.

At 12:28 PM 03/27/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 3/27/00 12:38:17 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
>tesla@pupman.com writes:
>> Original Poster: "Charles Arruda" <carruda@channelseek.com> 
>>  Has anyone ever tried "litz" magnet wire for their secondary?
>>  Sounds like it might increase power-transfer from the primary
>>  and reduce loss from corona on the surface.
>Duane Bylund tried this and didn't see any advantage in a tube coil.
>The advantage in a disruptive TC would probably be even less, and
>I don't think it would be worth the effort, because the losses in the
>secondary tend to be small anyway.
>John Freau

Computer models suggest that the secondary wire resistance only has a very
small effect on the systems performance.  The spark gap and losses in the
primary circuit are a much greater worry.

