
Re: variac witha 15kv/60 NST

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Ron West" <ronwes1@juno.com>
> I just replaced my 15/30 NST with a 15/60.  On the positive side I'm now
> getting 25-30" streamers (I also added another string to my MMC and
> retuned from 5-3/4 turns to 6-1/2 turns).  This is up from 15" streamers
> with the 15/30.  I've just gotta get my sync gap finished, I can't wait
> to see what this coil is capable of!
> My Powerstat 10A variac is not working for me anymore though, it pops
> fuses as fast as I can replace them.  Should I have expected that?
> Ron West
> ronwes1@juno.com

Hi Ron ....

you are running very close to the limit on the total current surge of
the variac and NST combined....

with the variac set to "0" volt setting the initial current surge can be
as much as 7 amps   and the initail current surge for a 15/60 can be as
much as 5 amps .....   there for 12 amps initial surge ....

what i did to solve my problem was put a wall switch ( for lighting)
after the variac and before the NST ....

with the wall switch off and the variac set to the middle range  I would
turn on the variac ( minimal current draw)    and then i would return
the dial to 0 volts and then turn on the wall switch to the NST...    
from there you can start adjusting the volts of the variac for whatever
effect you need 

and BTW    the wall switch makes a great instant kill switch instead of
cranking the dial back to 0 volts...

or else you can put in about 200uF of PFC ( motor run caps) between the
variac and the NST's

Scot D