Re: salt water caps
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Brad DiGiovine" <Guido28@mediaone.net>
> i built a set of these and i guessed 0.1" for the thickness of the walls
> of the wine bottles i used to caculate my capacitance, i was just
> wondering if anyone knew if that was a safe guess or if there is anyone
> who knows what the thickness of the wine bottles usually is.
> thanks
> brad
Hi Brad
couldnt pass this one up ....
so I broke a cheap wine bottle .118"
a good wine bottle .127"
and a champagne bottle .213"
these are avg measures around the perimeter of the bottles...
( I also do home brewing ... just in case you are wondering why I have
all these bottles :) )
what I'll do when I'm bored .... ;)
Scot D