Going DUTCH?
Hi Coilers,
This afternoon we had the first meeting of.....
'The Dutch United Tesla Coil Home-builders' or in short 'The DUTCH'. (If you
never new where DutchMan stood for, you know now)
Members until now:
Ruud de Graaf alias 'the motman', <mailto:rdegraaf@daxis.nl>rdegraaf@daxis.nl,
surroundings 's-Hertogenbosch
Jeroen Kooiman alias 'the gapman', <mailto:jkooi@wish.net>jkooi@wish.net,
surroundings Amsterdam
Arwin Wijnschenk alias 'the capman', <mailto:solva@xs4all.nl>solva@xs4all.nl,
surroundings Rotterdam
We like to thank Terry and Chip in particular to make this possible, because
the TC mailling-list brought us together.
Hereby every 'Lightning DutchMan' is invited to mail the capman to become 'a
member'. It would be nice if you also mention your address and phone-number(s),
so the capman can make a decent memberlist. For the moment this will be a
fee-free engagement. We had no time to make future plans, so everything is
still possible. WARNING: we don't smoke and we don't like football! (and we
don't discriminate either).
The three of us are all in the process of building our next TC and actually we
did see some 'first lightning' in my garage! I did help the top cap a little to
arc but it counts (my largest screwdriver. Never do this at home boys and
girls!). We used the primary cap of the capman, the very smooth static gap of
the gapman and the rest was of my second TC with my new power supply (2 MOT's
with a third as a shunt). Resonance? Supply-gap filter? Measuring things? Never
came to it....
We exchanged hardware, ideas and experience and we had a good time. Maybe the
next time we can do this on a little bigger scale and organize our own
Greetings from the MotMan.