Hello again everybody,
This is a follow-up on my free-NST post a few days ago.
I received 12 responses from VERY talented and helpful people.
Many of you expressed no desire to receive the NST and suggested that I give it
to the most needy
or a newbie starting out.
That was a good thing because it was becoming way too hard to decide on a
as ALL of the replies were great.
I want to personally thank the following individuals for their time and help.
Matthew Gibson <mailto:Fucian@aol.com>Fucian@aol.com
Rick Kirby <mailto:rkirby@earthlink.net>rkirby@earthlink.net
William Parn <mailto:parn@fgm.com>parn@fgm.com
Barton B. Anderson <mailto:tesla123@pacbell.net>tesla123@pacbell.net
Adam Smith <mailto:adamsmith@mediaone.net>adamsmith@mediaone.net
Barry (B2) <mailto:bensonbd@erols.com>bensonbd@erols.com
Scot D (Bunnykiller) <mailto:bigfoo39@telocity.com>bigfoo39@telocity.com
Chris Boden <mailto:chrisboden@hotmail.com>chrisboden@hotmail.com
Dave W <mailto:Dav_W926@hotmail.com>Dav_W926@hotmail.com
Bryan Steinbach <mailto:warp27@juno.com>warp27@juno.com
Paul Mathus <mailto:pmathus@learningco.com>pmathus@learningco.com
Travis Tabbal <mailto:bigboss@xmission.com>bigboss@xmission.com
I have decide to send the free NST to Matthew Gibson
Thank you all again very much.