Re: A funny thing happened on the way.....
> > When it died, I would shut it off quickly (within 10 seconds). If I
> > turn it back on right away, it wouldn't work, but if I'd let it sit for
> > minute it would work again for a few seconds and then quit. I was really
> > working my caps hard. I had halved the total number of caps in series to
> > double the capacitance. I went from 60kvdc to 30kvdc rating and it
heated up
> > quickly.
> There has to be something seriously wrong with the caps (type of
> dielectric perhaps?) for you to experience heating that quickly.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. The caps did not heat
up in 10 seconds. They were being used intermittently for at least 10
minutes (experimenting with tuning and various toploads). What I meant is
that when they failed I turned off the power within 10 seconds. My caps are
metalized Matsushita ECQ-W 10kv .01uf. I don't have any other specs on them,
but they are oil filled ceramic case, each about the size of a 'D' cell.
When I blew one I was using only 12 of them instead of the 24 that I
normally use, and two paralled NSTs. I knew they were getting warm long
berore it blew, but I kinda wanted to 'test' it. I bought 90 of these at
$1.50 each, so I have plenty to play with. When combine in sufficient
numbers (4x6, etc.), they seem to work fine (no heating).
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