Re: Caps.
In a message dated 3/22/2000 9:20:54 AM Mountain Standard Time,
tesla@pupman.com writes:
> Has anyone tried to make a cap with a really nice powdered dielectric
> (High K) like Barium Titanate? BaTi has an K factor of about 1,200
> compared to other materials that are around 6-12. Would it load down the
> system or take to long to charge up with that much capacity? What would
> be a clever way to make one with ordinary materials?
I recently read an article on titanate dielectrics. The main point of the
article was that these dielectrics are non-linear. These non-linearities
were functions of temperature and voltage, so they may not work well at TC
voltages as this would alter the rersonant frequency of the primary circuit
if the capacitance changes while the TC is running. On the other hand, maybe
this could be used to some advantage that I haven't considered.