Re: Magnifier Info?
Hi David,
The easy recipe to making a magnifier:
Design exactly as you would for a 2 coil system but treat your
secondary as though it were cut into two pieces. To work out its
(non-top loaded) resonant frequency, sum the inductances of the
extra coil and secondary coil (call it Ltot), thenm calculate the self
capacitances of the two separately. Sum those capacitances
together (call it Ctot) and apply the usual resonance formula to get a
ballpark resonant frequency for the entire structure. Interconnection
wires/pipes/straps will tend to lower this figure a bit. Note that you
must calculate separate Cselfs for this to work. As usual, adding a
terminal to the extra coil will lower the final frequency.
For fine detail on designing an optimum system where all
energy ends up in the extra coil, refer to Dr de Queiroz's excellent
posts on the subject in the list archives.
On 21 Mar 00, at 20:19, Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "David W" <Dav_W926@hotmail.com>
> Hi again,
> I have another question; does anybody know any good sites that deal with
> tesla magnifier systems, or maybe a program like wintesla for magnifiers? I
> have found sites that deal with the basic theory of them, but no specific
> calculations, not even any "numbers" to copy for my own magnifier. I have
> searched all over and have yet to find a good source of info. -- Thanks
to all
> and happy coiling
> ~Dave