
Re: SRSG motor anomoly

In a message dated 3/22/00 8:29:59 AM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

> My flats were 0.85 if I remember right??  I had about a 3 inch rotor.  Of
>  course applying "loss" to the edge of the rotor is a pretty big load.   I
>  think as long as the rotor does not wonder and is stable, you are just
>  fine.  I have run some pretty big rotors with a modified 1/4 HP motor.
>  John Freau has used motors with far less power making us wonder if 1/4HP is
>  far too much...  I wonder if your flats are too small.  They are supposed
>  to match up with the poles just right or something like that.  However, if
>  the rotor stays reliably in sync, you are there...
>  Cheers,
>   Terry

Yes,  I missed the point that the finger pressure was applied to the
edge of the rotor, I probably read the post too quickly and thought
the original poster applied pressure to the shaft.  As Finn suggested,
It's a good idea to use a variac to see at what voltage the motor locks
up at, by listening for the hunting sounds, etc.  If it locks fine with the
rotor, then it's fine....even if finger pressure pulls it out of lock.  All 
need is a reliable lock as Terry said.  In any case my 1/4HP motor had
a 3 3/8" dia armature, and I cut the flats 1 1/16" wide.  If the armature is
smaller, use the same proportion.  I don't pay attention to the dead
area of the field coils....I go by proportion.

John Freau