Re: Tuning TCs
Hi gary,All,
Hmm a sort of tc scintillation? counter. Does anyone know what causes
the tube to glow. If it is just the rf field exciting the phospers in the
tube one could make a small neat meter out of some powder out of a tube.(yes
I know, don't breathe it in) sprinkled on to a plate covered with epoxy
stuck on the end of a small tube with a photocell at the other end. Dont
know how a photo cell would stand up to the field from a large coil though.
" 100 lumens at 10 ft " doesn't quite have the same ring about it as " 39"
sparks to a grounded rod" does though.
bob golding
-- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla List" <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2000 2:04 PM
Subject: Tuning TCs
> Original Poster: "Nick Slaymaker" <nick.slaymaker@lineone.net>
> Hi Gary, all
> Great idea! Please let us know if you try it and it works. I was brought
> up as a scientist so I hate the very iterative and labour intensive method
> of trying to measure the spark length - very subjective! I'd much prefer
> see a meter slowly come up to a max and then subside. I was thinking of
> trying Terry's field probes but your idea is simpler. Also, some TCs are
> very sensitive to tuning.
> Nick Slaymaker, England
> > Original Poster: "Lau, Gary" <Gary.Lau@compaq.com>
> > The mention of a fluorescent tube started me thinking, how about
> > the tube in a light-tight PVC pipe with a photocell, and metering the
> > photocell as a quantitative measure of coil output?
> >
> > Gary Lau
> > Waltham, MA USA