Re: Possible Record
In a message dated 3/20/00 5:29:37 AM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com
> Hi Nick,
> From the description and judging from the 7.5 foot extra coil, I
> would
> say the arc shown in the pickture is 40 feet max. From what I have heard,
> the
> building at Wendover was not big enough to contain a 105 foot arc??
> However, Richard Quick is an authority...
> Cheers,
> Terry
I seem to remember that the Golka sparks were no more than 40 feet
or so. They were definitely not anywhere around 100 feet long. The
coil did not use a toroid or topload, so this held back the spark length.
The coil acheived it's spark length by brute force so to speak. It was
rather inefficient.
John Freau