Re: primary hard ware
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Ruud de Graaf" <rdegraaf@daxis.nl>
> >Original Poster: "ROBERT CRESSLER" <robert.cressler@menasha.com>
> >
> > matt,
> > I would avoid metal,and go with nylon or the like.
> >Robert
> >
> >
> I saw this advice more often on the list, but I never saw a good reason for
> it. In my humble opinion the top cap 'doesn't see' anything under the strike
> rail, so the only thing that's left is the primary voltage. The only thing
> you will have to do, is to keep distance with metal screws from the HV
> wiring to prohibit corona. Anyone on the list with negative experience with
> metal screws used on a TC?
> Ruud de Graaf
> Greetings from Holland
The screws are under the influence of the magnetic field of the primary they
can heat and absorb energy to what point I don't know , in the past I use a
coil at around the same frequency to heat screwdriver tip for "tempering ?".
Luc Benard (Montreal)