
Re: weird primary design

> Original Poster: Fucian@aol.com 

Hi Matt, 

I don't know if this was meant for me, but since I replied about my wooden
primary support, maybe it was meant for me. In the future, it would help to
leave a little bit of the email of the post you are replying to and to refer to
the person by name. 

Anyway, comments below: 

> how did you cut your board up?what kind of saw?how did you thread it 
> on?-sorry for all the newbie questions but im new to this all.---matt

First, I use "hard woods" such as oak. Hard woods absorb moisture slower due to
the density of the wood and they cut and drill to a finer precision also due to
the density. I found a large diameter pre-cut circular oak board 3/4" thick. I
found center and drilled a very small hold in the center. Placed a nail in the
hole. I tied a loop end of the string over the nail then measured out to the
radius of the hole size I require. I tie another loop at this end - put in a
pen and mark the circle pattern. The loop at the pen end should be looped at
the very pen end to prevent human error. Very simple and works well. I've even
used a precut length of wood with two holes drilled at the radius distance. One
hole around the nail - one with a pen. This works well too. Don't use string
that stretchs. Don't cut until your sure you've made a perfect circle. 

I then drill a hole on the inside of the circle to fit a jig saw in and simply
take my time following the line. When finished, I sand it smooth. I use runners
as mentioned in the other email. 

The Cu I bought at Home Depot. It's pre-coiled. I simply ty-wrap the inner end
down and slowly form and ty to each runner as I go working outward. Here's an
OLD picture of a wooden primary I made a year ago. There are only a few turns
on this particular picture. I later added more turns all the way out to the
runner ends. Sometimes a picture helps. Not a very good picture though, but you
can kind of get the idea of what I did. 

