
Re: TC strikes hard (was RE: Interesting Skin Depth Data

Hi Boris, all,
                    On this subject:

> Original Poster: "boris petkovic" <petkovic7@yahoo.com> 
> Hi List,
> Asked by someone off the list and following Dale's
> recent post on this subject I'll summarize here the
> most important facts concerning TC power arc
> dischargings,and especially its shocking effects to
> humans (termal effects are not considered here).
> TC power arc discharge is said to be high current-high
> peak power (MW range) electrodynamic pulse of very
> short duration (microsecond time scale).
> Such short lasting high current pulses can produce
> various consequences depending on few things.
> 1)Most definitely energy of pulse and its DC% 
> component (both-respectively) are predominant factors
> that determine the "amount" of delivered shock.
> DC% component of every current wave form can be
> defined as follows:
>    r=(Sidt)/(S|i|dt)
>   where S denotes integral and | | modulus.
>  ( Limits of integration I assume but didn't write
> them)    
> -Comparing 2 short pulses of same r and different
> energies ,shock is worse of that one with higher E.
> -Conversely,as long as r=0 one can pass through the
> tissue HF current (in bandwidth f>100 khz) and as
> concerns muscular contraction -NOTHING will be
> registered regardless of current amplitude.
> Put it like this:few 1Mhz range undamped sine waves of
> amplitude 100 A can be passed through path
> arm-chest-arm without any reaction if hand held
> electrodes are grasped tightly. 
> 2)Shorter DC pulse is less dangerous than longer DC
> pulse if equal energies are in game.
> Example-dischargings of various size caps all with the
> same energy through the path arm-chest-arm and effects
> are given:
> E=40J,C=1000 nF..ventricular fibrilation likely for
> 50% of population
> E=40J,C=10 nF..very dangerous and severe shock for
> whole organism.Great possibility of lossing consciece
> but ventricular fibrilation unlikely
> E=40J,C=0.5 nF..very painful,strong muscular
> contraction of whole body,significant rise of blood
> pressure after the shock , dizzyness, but small
> possibility of lossing conscience or ventricular
> fibrilation to occur.
> For smaller capacities and  realeased high energies I
> have no data but I know that 3 MV V.de Graff arc  can 
> kill human being.  
> 3)Back to TCs.Even from small,low powered TC, skillful
> experimentor is capable to draw off "painful" spark by
> hand held electrode.About that amazing fact I was
> informed by Malcolm Watts.
> Various sorts of rectifications are possible on TC
> output-and  longer TC arc is not easily understandable
> "switch" at all.
> Note* I hope ,after reading this newbies gonna think
> twice before they stick hand held electrode into
> output arc of their coils.

I think the rapidity of energy drain from the secondary has a 
significant effect on the DC component. If for example it disappears 
in a half cycle (extreme case) there is a very definite DC component 
there. Achieving this would require that one attract a spark a certain 
distance from the top electrode. Too close and power is reflected 
back into the secondary (or doesn't leave it due to a mismatch. 
Same for too far away. In both cases oscillations of one kind or 
another would be prolonged. Seem reasonable?
