Re: weird primary design
It's going to be hard to attach connections to the primary if it's resting on
the baseboard. It is *by far* preferred to connect from underneath, since you
(a) dont have the cables running over the unused primary turns, which is asking
for flashover (and a fire - it happened to me on my temporary test rig) and (b)
the cables will attract secondary arcs.
I did mine with just a standard (hand) woodsaw and a hand drill, and the
supports were made of plywood soaked in mineral oil, dried and then varnished.
However, if you are patient and handy with a hacksaw I dare say you could use
plastic. It doesn't have to be super-accurate, and although it might not be as
cosmetically great as some guys have achieved, if it works, it works!
P S we usually use first names on the list - it's quite a community here!
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: Fucian@aol.com
> Hi,
> since I dont have any access to a saw or a drill press,I was wondering if I
> could take my main 2ft by 2ft board and drill holes where the normal primary
> wire supports would be.Then I would simply put wire ties on each set of holes
> thus holding down a turn of the primary.Any one know how to preform the
> primary or know any other alternatives to this since I dont have a saw for
> cutting slats or a drill press for drilling precise holes?