
Re: variac

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Kelly Shutt" <tcatut@mail.utexas.edu>
> well, I've been trying to find a good variac for a while now, and have been
> unsuccessful at finding one at a good price.  I live in Austin, TX and was
> wondering if anyone knew any good places to look... or maybe one of you has
> one that you wouldn't mind parting with... also, I'm not exactly sure what I
> need... I'm running a 15kv 30ma NST and I'm thinking I need a 3-phase rated
> at about 15 amps... if I'm way off let me know.
> oh yeah, and what's the best way to hook one of these things up once I get
> it?
> thanks,
> Kelly

Hi Kelly....

for a 15KV/30 mA  unit   a 120 V  5 amp unit will be minimal    but as
with coiling   more power is always in the near future...  ;)    so a 10
A 120V unit is more appropriate    and if you really wanna have power to
spare   a 18 or 20 amp 120V unit will handle up to 15KV 120mA's worth of
NST's ...

Powerstat , Variac ( brand), GE, Ohmite, and Western are the better
brands out there...

there has been a brand ( KMS ) in a red case that has been on Ebay that
is cheaply made and OVER priced   the base is cheap phenolic ( not
aluminum as in hi quality units) and the wiper arm is cast something (
Al.? Zinc? pewter? ) but its not worth more than 35$  Ill even bet the
KMS core is probably left over car parts....

Scot D