Re: Dramatic Performance Drop After 5 Seconds?
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: Dramatic Performance Drop After 5 Seconds?
From: "Jim Lux" <jimlux@jpl.nasa.gov> (by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>)
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 20:26:07 -0700
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
Delivered-To: fixup-tesla@pupman.com@fixme
>I don't have any air blowing across the gap at this point.
>I want to try this out, also has anybody tried running their
>air blown gap right out a window or garage door. I think
>that might be a really good idea for those of you who run
>their TCs inside.
My 3" diam NST coil has a static gap with 3 pieces of 1" copper pipe.
Doesn't work very well after the first few seconds without a fan. Added a
110V 4" muffin fan and it works like a champ. (It's very quiet, not that it
makes much difference with a spark gap making all the noise, but it's also
not very high flow, so it doesn't take much air to make a difference.)
>To the point, ...
>> and there is a little scratch inside the tube
>in the shape of a lightning bolt. :-0
>Do you think this would cause what I saw and heard to happen?
>I am hoping that I am going to be able to tape a bunch of
>Polyethylene inside tube to discourage it from happening again.
>If the damage is not to bad will this work?
Clean the inside of the tube real well first (so there isn't any residual
carbon tracking).. then..
Cut some disks of plastic (anything will probably work) the same diameter as
the tube ID and silicone them in a few inches from each end (like, as far as
your fingers can reach)... precision isn't important, nor is appearance,
just make sure you goop the silicone in there so there isn't any gap.