Re: MMC WIMA caps -- good or bad?
Thanks for the info Terry,
So what about the snubber caps at .068 uF? Are they in the WIMA book?
Do you see anything wrong with them (dealt with them)? Any idea what a
snubber circiut means?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla List" <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: MMC WIMA caps -- good or bad?
> Original Poster: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
> Hi David,
> Be sure to see the following if you haven't already:
> http://www.peakpeak.com/~terryf/tesla/misc/MMCPower4.html
> http://www.peakpeak.com/~terryf/tesla/misc/MMCCALC2.ZIP
----Thanks, I've seen them.
> The first are the equations to use for designing the MMC so it won't burn
> The second is a simple BASIC program which helps in selecting the rows and
> strings. You will have to change the lines 300 to 330 for your particular
> caps.
> I have the WIMA book here... The "lead spacing" is 37.5mm on your caps so
> heat at 33.3 degrees C per watt of internal dissipation. Line 305 in my
> program should be changed from 40 to 33.3 for these caps.
> They are rated at 5000v/uS dV/dT.
> My program gave the following for your 0.047uF caps, 15kV transformer,
> 120BPS... I changed lines 2100 and 2110 to "1 to 30" to get more cap
> selections.
> Break rate = 120
> Cap value = 4.7E-08
> Strings Caps/Str Capacitance Voltage Temp C Cost
> 2 3 31.33 6000 71.17 6.00 :-(( :-((
> 4 6 31.33 12000 17.79 24.00 :-(( :-(
> 6 9 31.33 18000 7.91 54.00 :-| :-)
> 7 11 29.91 22000 5.29 77.00 :-)) :-)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> 8 12 31.33 24000 4.45 96.00 :-)) :-))
> 9 13 32.54 26000 3.79 117.00 :-)) :-))
> 9 14 30.21 28000 3.27 126.00 :-)) :-))
> 10 15 31.33 30000 2.85 150.00 :-)) :-))
> 11 16 32.31 32000 2.50 176.00 :-)) :-))
> 11 17 30.41 34000 2.22 187.00 :-)) :-))
> 12 18 31.33 36000 1.98 216.00 :-)) :-))
> 12 19 29.68 38000 1.77 228.00 :-)) :-))
> 13 19 32.16 38000 1.77 247.00 :-)) :-))
> 13 20 30.55 40000 1.60 260.00 :-)) :-))
> 14 21 31.33 42000 1.45 294.00 :-)) :-))
> ====================================================================
> 14 22 29.91 44000 1.32 308.00 :-)) :-))
> 15 22 32.05 44000 1.32 330.00 :-)) :-))
> 15 23 30.65 46000 1.21 345.00 :-)) :-))
> 16 24 31.33 48000 1.11 384.00 :-)) :-))
> 16 25 30.08 50000 1.02 400.00 :-)) :-))
> The program recommends 7x11. I set the cost at a dollar each so your
> array will cost 3.8 times as much as the recommended size. Your 14x21
array my
> be too over designed but to each their own. I use the DC voltage rating
> the peak Tesla coil voltage rating and anything above a 5C temperature
rise is
> getting risky.
----Is $1 an average cost, or an amount out of the catalogue?
> Cheers,
> Terry
> At 12:46 PM 03/12/2000 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> > I am planning to build an MMC array for my TC, I just have to find
> > right caps. So far, I have been eyeing the WIMA FKP1 2000 VDC/700 VAC
> > 0.047 uF capacitors and the WIMA FKP 2000 VDC/ 700 VAC 0.068 uF Snubber
> > capacitors at <http://www.wima.com>http://www.wima.com Does anybody
> > anything about these caps? including price, current rating; I plan to
> > around 500 - 600 of them with one of my friends.
> > My setup will be run with 15000V at 180 mA and a regular 120 bps on
an 8"
> > coil. The cap bank will have 14 strings of 21 caps using the FKP1's for
> > .0313 uF, or 10strings of 22 caps using the FKP Snubbers for .0309 uF,
> > rated around 15000VAC. You do think that the current will be divided
> > right? I know, I know, I probably don't need that many for my power
> > but I'm a perfectionist-- better safe than sorry--, or something.
> > Any pointers or info about these caps or any others that are good
will be
> > appreciated- happy coiling, thanks a million
> >
> > BTW- anybody know anything about Elecrocube 950 series?
> > <http://www.electrocube.com>http://www.electrocube.com