
Re: Avalon....design ideas...

>Original Poster: "Bryan L. Kaufman MD, MS" <bryan@apexrad.com>
>Still on the negative binge, I've come up with more questions on the
>feasibility of the project. Trust me, I've got no shortage of them.

YES, I love detailed critics :) I need more of them. They think of problems 
that we don't and help us to make it better :)

>What will the neighbors say?

"Ethel....have you seen the cat?"

"Bob! The TV's exploded again. And the rabbit ears have turned into a jacobs 

"See here Ted, I got this here metal plate in my head during the big war 
when we took that--BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (soils himself, starts to drool, and his 
pacemaker hits 240BPS).....mommy? MOMMY!!!!!?

"Waddaya MEAN thunder....it's beautifull outside."

"Geek Group.....ain't they the guys who bite the heads off chickens?"
(Geek is actually the name of an old freakshow act, they bit the heads off 
live chickens...honest.)

>Who are the adjacent landowners and tennants?

On the grounds is a itty-bitty (1MW) Hydroelectric dam. These guys love us 
and think this is the neetst thing since they let them fish near the dam in 
Salmon season.

Behind the building the property has been leased to "Billy". Billy is what 
we get for not clorinateing the gene pool. He was leased the land years ago, 
after 6 months stopped paying rent, was evicted, and won't leave.
He is running a scrap metal business, has 8 employees, and 2 large 
rottweiles with a taste for Geek.

He is known for blocking the road with his huge 4X4 Ford (there's only 1 way 
in or out in a car), honestly believeing he OWNS the entire property 
(Includeing the Hydro dam), and beating the side of the Hydro Dam employees 
truck with a 2X4.

One of the stipulations of our occupying the building is we have to get rid 
of Bill, and the tons of steel (etc) he has accumulated. You have no idea 
how much I am looking foreward to this :).

Other than that, there are no neighbors for at least a mile in any 
direction. The property sits on a lake, with a river through it. It is 
fenced all the way around. There is a 1/2 mile road to the highway, and it's 
about 3 miles out of town. It's perfect :)

We can make all the noise we want with no complaint, there is no one at the 
hydro dam after 4PM and only 2 people there during the day, and they're all 

As far as lond distance neighbors? With the massive publicity we will push 
for this project, they will understand, and relax (thought there will always 
be someone whining, there has to be). This will be a huge boon to the 
Kalamazoo tourism industry, think of the people who travel to see electrum? 
And this is a PUBLIC coil, I want EVERYONE to know about it and see it. The 
city will help us because we are bringing it a service and monies from 
tourists. Not to mention the jobs that the Avalon complex will create.

There will be hassles, I'm sure, but we can and will deal with them in due 
time. It wouldn't be any fun if it were easy.

Will any of them raise an
>issue with the project? (Called "Injunction to Cease and Desist") Getting
>them on your side will be like getting the natives to allow you to 
>their forest. What are they going to get out of it besides a 'gee-whiz'?
>I wouldn't assume that they won't have unreasonable fears of a "lightning
>machine". Make sure they know that it's not part of a Govt. Mind Control
>Experiment and all that. Not to mention the issues that they don't have a
>clue about, like frying all their computers with the induced RF on the 1st

The Geek Group will donate and install filters on ALL houseing and 
businesses within a 1 mile radius. :) Corcomm will love the sponsorship.

It would be a real bummer to have built the thing and have your
>investors sue your a** off for failure to do 'due diligence' in your

Yes, that would suck. That's why we PLAN and PLAN and PLAN and think of 
EVERYTHING. And overbudget ourselves for the things we forgot!
Planning is everything.

Also keep in mind the Geek Group is a VERY public entity. We hold weekly 
demonstrations in the park downtown with Sam and the Geekmobile is out every 
night. We have a very strong positive presance in the local community, and 
we are doing everything we can to increase it. We want people to come and 
learn about science and technology, the coil will surely help in that :)
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