
Re: The worlds Largest Coil

>Original Poster: "Bryan L. Kaufman MD, MS" <bryan@apexrad.com>
>I'm really intrigued here, I'd make the trip from Florida to see it.
>But playing devil's advocate, I've got to ask;
>Ok, so let's say it's built, is the FCC going to let you fire it up?
>How big do you anticipate the RF effects will be? 100 sq mi.? More?

There will be a lot of headaches with FCC regs. We will be perfectly by the 
book and I have a broadcast engineer on staff with 20 years experiance. 
She's having kittens. If I had told her I was planning on giving birth to a 
water buffalo I think she would have taken it better than when she was asked 
to come on to help with the Avalon project.....lol

Tuneing will be a BIG part here. There will be transmitted energy, we only 
have to get it in a reasonable amount and freq. If I can notch it into a 
freq noone uses (good luck) than the FCC will be kind. They are not known 
for their sence of humour.

As far as radiated energy levels, we have to do computer modeling before we 
will have any idea.

>Is there anything sensitive in the range of the effects?

Depending on range, yes.

1M Radius, a lake, woods, and a highway.
5M Radius and airport (big one), and a city.

>What will your liabilities for damages be?

Ungodly. I am thinking at LEAST $1,000,000 for damages and liability, though 
probably MUCH more, like 400% more.

Maybe I'll get it UL listed.....lol

>Obviously this thing can't be done on the sly, so you'll have to be 
>above board with the operations. What license would cover this transmission

Whatever the FCC requires us to have. The problem is that that alone can 
easily double the budget requirements. Having government assistance for this 
will be a great help. Guys like the NSF, NEA, and others will LOVE to have a 
toy like this built and have the power to "bend" the rules for us.

>How many megawatts of transmission power are we talking about?
>What will your frequency be?
>What are the regs of that band?
>Are you doing broad band (spark gap) transmission or CW (class 3)?
>What type of noise generation are you looking at?
>Are there FCC regs about that?

These are great questions that I want to know the answers to myself. But 
there are 500 listees out there with call signs that know much mroe than I 
do about these ones so I'll let them answer them. I have no idea, I'm just 
the idiot in charge, so I'm not allowed to know everything that's going 

>Just want to cover the bases.

So do I, you should join the team :)

Christopher A. Boden Geek#1
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The Geek Group
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