Ozone production mysteries. Before: Discharge impedance of a CW Tesla coil
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Ozone production mysteries. Before: Discharge impedance of a CW Tesla coil
From: "Ruud de Graaf" <rdegraaf@daxis.nl> (by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>)
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 22:12:10 -0700
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
Delivered-To: fixup-tesla@pupman.com@fixme
>We will definitely have to find the reason for these differing amounts of
>ozone between coils. Perhaps if we can understand the mechanism behind
>this, we can find new ways to reduce ozone on other coils...
> Terry
Hi Terri, All,
I can report 'a case' of no ozone. I have experimented with my two MOT's
quite a lot the past two weeks icw a Jacobs ladder (which btw was corroding
the whole time) and I did not smell ozone at all (maybe because of the
corroding!?). I used two MOT's with the core's grounded and connected to the
secondaries (centre tabbed). I was putting in about 2.500VA. My old
laserprinter produces far more ozone on a power level of maybe 50VA for the
HV power supply! So you can assume the power level is not responsible,
because big powered coils can produce also a lot of ozone.
It is imaginable that the forming of ozon is critical in some way because of
the chemical reaction it is. Before ozone (O3 > 50 ppm) is formed the oxygen
molecules have to be splitted from O2 to 2 * O. Very shortly after that the
O3 ('tri-atomic/concentrated/activated oxygen') is formed. Only a
concentration above 50ppm O3 is called ozone. But O3 is of course an
unstable situation and as soon as contamination is in the neighberhood O3
will react with that, forming O2, CO2, N (Oxygen, Carbon Oxide and
Nitrogen). The mechanism when O3 is formed is not fully understood. All what
we know is that it can be formed by lightning and/or UV light. Maybe we have
a job to do here! Who likes the credit? As a starter, I'am convinced that it
has something to do with stressed E-fields, because it is easier to make
ozon with sharp points as it is for less pointed forms.
Ruud de Graaf
Greetings from lovely, dry and dark Holland