
Project Sam, ASRG

I built a toy ASRG with the following specs:

6" Bakelite (or some other hard black plastic that doesn't conduct) rotor 1" 
thick with 6 poles made from 8/32 bolts.

1 stationary electrode is a 1" brass sphere (I use these for all my gaps) 
tapped 1/4-20

1 stationary electrode is a piece of 10AWG copper wire hooked to a bolt.

a 36V DC motor (the motor and disk came from an antique IBM tape drive, one 
of the old Washing Machines) The motor is about 5"X10" and VERY powerfull, 
maybe 1/8 Hp or so, it will spin on 1.8VDC :) I have a pair and we were 
going to use them for robotics work.

The motor is marked as the following:
2517826 EC A02540
01A (E56617) 116398-00
36VDC Nominal

It's crude, tiny, and ugly, but it works. I'm happy :) It's my first attempt 
at ANY kind of a rotary gap and I am learning a lot. I hooked it up to a 
12/30 and was enthralled with ajusting the speed to match mains resonance so 
I could make it stop sparking even though it was spinning like mad :)

Hey, I'm easily entertained, alright?

My question is, if I am useing a properly set safety gap with a center 
ground, why can I not use an ASRG on Sam? I have heard a million times they 
eat NST like mad. I expect the safety to fire a lot while the ASRG gets up 
to speed, but if working right, it should be fine. Any overvoltage will be 
dumped to ground and even at slow speeds with the safety going nuts the coil 
should work. Right?

I REALLY want to try this with Sam and improve my performance.

Alright, tell me why this wont work. I think it will, and safely, but I've 
been breathibng a lot of O3 and nitrogen oxides for an hour in a small room 
too :) (cough)

Have fun.

Chris (cough) Boden
The Geek Group
Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!

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