
Re: Interesting Skin Depth Data

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Alex Crow" <user@alexcrow.clara.net>

> If the arc event is of such high frequency, what is it that causes the pain
> from
> a power arc taken to the body, even via a small metal object? I was pulling
> arcs
> off Brian Basura's mini-twin with a car-key, and if you got too close and the
> arc became brighter, there was a noticeable prickling and muscular
> sensation. Is
> this due to sharp pulses of one polarity from Ctop?

The arcs start when the potential difference between the terminal and
(in the case) you is high enough, in absolute value. What you feel is
a series of DC discharges, in no way different from discharges from an 
electrostatic generator. The case when you don't feel the discharge 
happens when you are directly connected to the terminal, insulated from 
the ground, and possibly producing streamers to the air from points 
attached to your body (-not- arcs to ground). In this case there are 
only RF currents, mainly at the coil operating frequency, through you.
Arcs always have a strong DC component, that you feel.

Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz