
Re: Q?

Hi Malcom,

> Original Poster: "Malcolm Watts" <malcolm.watts@wnp.ac.nz>
> I would like to comment on one thing in this piece:
> Why not?  I would go for minimum losses (read high Q) in anything
> bearing in mind that there are always tradeoffs to be made. For
> example, one might cram some more inductance into a secondary
> using smaller wire so that more inductance was required for the
> primary in turn raising the Q of the primary which is certainly
> desirable. In this instance, you are trading secondary Q for primary
> Q. The better option is to build a bigger secondary so maintaining
> secondary Q as well.

Hmm, somehow, today is not our agreement day ;o)). I think
primary Q is of almost no importance in a TC. Primary Q is
already pretty low and once the gap fires, your primary Q will
drop like a rock, anyway. I think putting effort into a high Q
secondary is the more effective way to go. I canīt really see
an improvement in upgrading the primary Q. Put a good (high Q)
secondary into a low Q primary circuit and you will still get pretty
good results. Put a low Q secondary into a super-high Q primary
circuit and your results wonīt be worth beans ;o)).

Coiler greets from Germany,