
Re:Avalon...was The worlds Largest Coil

Comments interspersed.....

>Original Poster: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
>Hi Chris,
>At 04:52 PM 03/06/2000 +0000, you wrote:
> >
> >We went out to the new facility yesterday, talked to some people, and 
> >looked
> >around. This is what we know.
> >
> >The towers are very nearly 85' tall.
> >They sit 40' apart.
> >They are about 15' in diameter.
> >They are on top of a 9 or 10 story building.
> >
> >Questions.
> >
> >1. Is Electrum the largest coil in the world? Or is Wysock's 13M bigger?
>I won't touch that one ;-)))

No guts no glory :)
I did my homework and technicly, as far as power, Electrum is larger, the 
13M is (only....LMFAO) 100KVA. Though when you read the works on them the 2 
coils are night and day dissimelar.

Electrum was made as Art, the 13M was made to be a model of one of Tesla's 
own coils.

> >
> >2. Can a 100' tall coil be built?
>Yes,  it only takes time, money, knowledge in unlimited quantity ;-))

I do not think that we will need to go to such great lenghts to make that 
big a coil. I think a design goal of 250KVA, or even a bit less would be 
quite massive enough and we will design and build the coil to fit it.
250KVA should get us 100+ feet of discharges. The hardest part here is 
controlling the beast. Spurious discharges (D'Arsonval type especially) will 
be terribly difficult to stop.

> >
> >3. What would the ballpark costs of something of this magnitude be?
>That takes on site inspection by an expert in such things.  Be very careful
>of hidden costs.  Hate to put time and cash into this just to find some big
>show stopper latter on.  If you want to use the existing generators, there
>are a million things that have to be checked before re-powering the plant.
>If you want to connect to the external power grid, the utility company will
>ream you depending on the condition of the existing switching equipment.  I
>have no idea how they will react to the use you are planning, but try to
>get it on video tape ;-)))

Actually, the utility company has been very nice to us, even when we told 
them we built a coil. They can tap us into the local grid through the 
substation if we so needed it. They were quite adament that THEY have to do 
the feeds though....lol Like you're gonna catch me climing that 
fence.....I don't think so. I'm allergic to pain.

I don't believe we will need a substation tap though, a BIG amperage feed at 
240 should work fine.

> >
> >4. What is the best H/D ratio for coils at these sizes? Is it still 4:1?
> >
>Make the height and width bigger than anyone else's coil.  The bragging
>rights are probably more important than any electrical concerns, within 

Well, duh :) But the H:D ratio is VERY important. There are a TON of design 
questions to work out by smarter people than me. I'm an idiot, but I have 
the drive and motivation to make this happen.

> >Proposed design ideas.
> >
> >Remove one (or both) of the existing stacks and use the heavy foundation 
> >mount the coil on. This gives us 10 stories above ground to start with.
>I would be absolutely sure before tearing the stacks down that they can't
>be used.  That is not a trivial task...
> >
> >The coil is to be the largest of it's type in the world with a minimum
> >margin of 10% to the existing record holder.
> >
> >The coil is to be of permanant construction and design. With a duty cycle 
> >at least 1 5min run every 24 hours at midnight.
> >
> >The coil is to be impervious to the effects of rain, snow, and 50MPH wind
> >gusts. (Can guy lines be used?)
>Generally no,  There are low field stress lines you may be able to follow
>down to the ground but that is risky.

Given that this is a permanant structure, it has to meet ALL local codes, 
and be able to last a while. I cannot afford to build another one for a 

> >
> >The coil is to have a discharge point in order to prevent damage to the
> >building beneath it and strikes to the HV power lines (138KV)in the
> >substation next to it while still makeing thew longest possible arcs. 
>Is the substation still in use???  They may have line carrier equipment
>that would be interfered with by the coil.  Also, the operating frequency
>of the monster would be very low so the output arcs would kill anything
>they struck...  Realize that if an arc does connect to those lines that
>they will fry your coil.  They are probably 600 amp 138kV "nominal"  They
>will switch out at 1000 amps in a few milliseconds but will blow your coil
>to bits in that time.  God only knows how much current they would pump into
>your coil (short) before the line switches out.  Of course, the power
>company will insure that is your last run anyway.  They have no humor about
>such things...

They have no humour at all :) Especially management. But we have been well 
recieved, especially since I am the first of the past 3 generations in my 
family to not me an IBEW member :)

> >
> >
> >This is a pipe dream with a real possibility of becoming a reality, but 
> >need a LOT of help to do it. Let's make this a reality :)
> >
>I hope you get the help you need ;-)))
>	Terry

Actually I have never posted anything to the list and gotten a bigger 
responce :) There are a LOT of people out there who would like to see this 
happen, and help. I have also gotten the expected emails about "You're just 
a bunch of dumb kids" "You're gonna die", and "You'll never get the 
funding"......I live for that kind of encouragement :)

Alright, this is the plan......

In the tradition of Colorado Springs, Wardenclyffe, and many others this 
projects name is now Avalon, after the name of the facility and complex.

As far as materials and supplies, they will be donated. That's easy. We have 
never had a problem getting people to help with our endevours. We're not a 
corporation trying to get rich so I can retire at 30, we're teaching people 
about science and technology and trying to help people, and to change the 
world. People like to help groups like us. It also gets them good press, and 
a healthy writeoff.

The biggest hurdle is getting the building, and I am working on it day and 
night. The coil is cake, getting a multimillion dollar facility donated is 
hard, but I put our odds at 60% or better. I will post news as I get it.

What I plan to do is the same thing we do for all our projects. I am nothing 
more than a "Conductor (maestro, not copper)", I'm just the idiot that every 
body yells at when the bills don't get paid or the parts haven't arrived. I 
have a VERY talented and brilliant crew who works these miricles here.

Upon our getting the bulding, I put a call to arms out across the ethos of 
this list. Everybody who wishes to help, is asked to. I will have more than 
enough room for houseing of anyone who wants to come and help. The 
accomadations won't be nice, but they will be liveable. I will be living 
there with you, and my workdays personally are 9AM to 2AM 7 days a week :) 
Sleep is for wimps.

I want to bring the Big Dogs together. Wysock, Dr.Resonance (what is his 
Real name anyway?) , Jim Lux, TTR, LOD, Terry, Chip (If he's still out 
there), Reinhard (If he'll make the trip), and all the guys I forgot. The 
attitude of the Group is much like that of the list. We have a lot in 
common, we're not here to compete. Let's make this the best we can.

>From the short list I just made I see half a dozen people who have various 
parts on hand suitable for Avalon. This isn't nearly as hard as I had first 
thought. :)

Getting big parts, like Caps (could we do this with an MMC?, no, seriously. 
Could we make an MMC with Terry's little caps to such mammoth proportions? I 
don't see why not....hmmmm), Fiberglass (or Sitka Sprouce from Alaska) is 
not too hard. We don't need too much of anything and getting sponsors is 
easy. Especially with getting Guiness involved, the media, etc.....

I can do this, but I cannot do it alone. I'm not smart enough, and I don't 
have the years of experiance. What I have is the Group, the Facility, and 
the brains to know I can't do it alone (that unto itself is what keeps me 
from getting killed on a daily basis).

Alright, anyone who wants to help, weather to donate materials, sponsorship, 
funding, or to come and play in Michigan, or do design, whatever, email me 
off list at chrisboden@hotmail.com

Those who think I can't do this and should just play with my NST's and such, 
please email me at whiner@geekgroup.org.

Thank's Guys :)

Christopher Boden
The Geek Group

50 points if you know what "Avalon" really is, and why I choose it as a 

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