Re: tesla coil part matching
Use rolled PE cap in a PVC tube filled with oil if you can. The water caps
don't work very good and glass is a terrible dielectric. If using bottles
you will have to make one and then measure it's capacitance. Most local TV
repair shops have meters and could help you do this. Any large college or
university will have research departments that have such meters and could
help you out.
Use 20-30 turns of 12 AWG scrap house wiring supported on edge slitted
pieces of cardboard to make a test primary. After finding the correct tap
then make a nice shiny primary with copper tubing with a few extra turns for
tuning. If you are short and have too few turns you will never get the coil
working properly and probably destroy it.
Dr. Resonance
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: tesla@pupman.com <tesla@pupman.com>
Date: Monday, March 06, 2000 9:41 PM
Subject: tesla coil part matching
>Original Poster: Fucian@aol.com
>hi all,im probablt starting to get annoying to you all but im a
>begginer...heres my question---how do i match all the parts?i know my
>secondary coil is about 475khertz and i guess i need a .0088 mfd capacitor
>for my trans.is a 9kv30ma nst.what kind of cap would do god for a first
>coiler?im guessing salt water?if i use 2liter soda bottles,how many do i
>need?what is the specs for the flat spiral primary?18mH?how many turns is